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Some background

My name is Minke van Bakel and in the beginning of 2021 I started velv. Originally I started the brand because I was studying Interior architecture, worked on some renovations and interior designs and wanted to build a brand. Not to know that one year later I would launch my own interior collection. Product design has always been a passion of mine. I fall in love with materials, love to figure out new techniques and learned along the way that I wanted to tell a story through those products. With a ceramic course, experimenting with materials, spatial insights and by soaking in all the knowledge I can proudly present velv’s collection.

Every design goes through my hands, with attention and care I select the best materials and producers. The most important is the product as a whole. It fits, is timeless, handmade and most of all sustainable. It is a form of slow living I really appreciate and I hope you will love it too. Thank you for choosing velv.