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We create structural beauty by innovating

We produce by innovating, by experimenting with techniques, and we solely use natural materials in that process. Velv’s essence lies with authenticity, we showcase imperfections and we focus on refinement. Our main value is to design products with a sustainable character that can last a lifetime.

Whether it is ceremics, textiles or furniture, every product is designed through an intensive handmade process. We value crafts, work on our own productions, but also love to work with established producers in the Netherlands. In addition, we curate beautiful design pieces and only sell products that have been appreciated by their buyers for a long time.


The Furniture

The production process of the furniture takes place in our own workshop. After a time of experimenting with form, function and material, The Tide Collection is here. It is a collection with a unique character, made of plaster, wood and a solid coating. The plaster is the eye-catcher, because of its fresco processing it gives the table a marbled effect. The wax gives it a matte finish that also protects the plaster from external influences such as sunlight, stains and scratches.


The Textiles

All of our textiles are sourced in Europe. They carry three different certificates based on their sustainable nature. The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries worldwide. This is why we only work with 100% linen or hemp. Two fast-growing flaxes that grow through rainwater and ours are harvested locally, which is one of the reasons why they cary the certificates. We decided to go for a minimalistic design, without a zipper, to keep our products as close to nature as possible. Based on the cradle-to-cradle concept, the entire product can retain its value and be given a new lease of life. In addition, they are made in a socially responsible manner, under social conditions, whereby an experienced seamstress from Syria can continue her studio here.


The Ceramics

Our ceramics are fully hand casted or thrown. Each product has gone through several hands to give it it’s raw and honest result. Porcelain is the most sturdy form of ceramics and is very easy to maintain. It’s about the crafts behind the product and the special feeling that products like these can ad to our daily routine.